Okay, so I was talking to Iliketoeat hereand i'm not really sure if this is a glitch or not:
()()ILikeToEat: is rei shot Mgc based or Reitsu based?
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: Rei shot?
()()ILikeToEat: Hollow magic
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: MGC for attack power and Rei for more rei in your bar
()()ILikeToEat: yea but Quincy's Final form arrows are Reitsu based not mgc based
()()ILikeToEat: so i was wondering if Hollows reitsu attack was the same way
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: Reitsu based? What do you mean?
()()ILikeToEat: I mean if a quincy has 960 REitsu and 1000 Mgc itl do like 30k but if it adds 1000 points into reitsu and has like 5-6k or 10k reitsu w.e u get the point it does like 50-100k
()()ILikeToEat: my quincy is Pure reitsu and is doing like 122k o.0
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: Wow, I didn't know that, that must be a bug, because REI is only for the bar ontop for how much you have
()()ILikeToEat: its not a bug
()()ILikeToEat: its a Cheat
()()ILikeToEat: that not many newbs know of
()()ILikeToEat: Quincys at lvl 1-49 have to press S+D+F to fire S to charge power D for range S to shoot
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: Dude, that's dissaproving one of the rules, bug or cheat it's still the same thing
()()ILikeToEat: well ur max "rei" is the highest uamount u can charge
()()ILikeToEat: in final forms ALL arrows fired are already at max charge
()()ILikeToEat: so by increasing ur reitsu u increase ur max charge rate=More damage in final form
()()ILikeToEat: if its a bug then ask steffix about it .-.
(Legends Guild)(Squad Zero Captain #2)Asis Kotsuro: Still, that doesn't sound right to me, just in case imma just put that in, if there is nothing wrong with it it won't be taken off, but if it's considered a bug it will be taken off
()()ILikeToEat: Its the same way in Falacy's server and zeus server so
()()ILikeToEat: i doubt its a bug o.o
I really don't know if this is truly a bug or if this is seriously implemented or whatever, I just posted it up to make sure that there is no abuse in a bug.
~Asis Kotsuro